The Incredible Edible Egg! Are Eggs Good Or Bad For You?

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I am sure it is still fresh in everybody’s memory: “Eggs raise your cholesterol and cause heart attacks and strokes. Or if you eat them, you should avoid the yolk, or eat only egg beaters.” This has long been embedded in our minds, reinforced by warnings from multiple well-meaning doctors and scientists, and other “health specialists”, but are these facts really true?

The latest research confirms the opposite effect. While it’s true that egg yolks have a lot of cholesterol, the effect of egg consumption on blood cholesterol is minimal, when compared to the effect of trans fats and saturated fats.

This research aimed to determine the effect of consuming 1–3 eggs/day on LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol), particle size, HDL function, and plasma antioxidants in a young, healthy population. Findings revealed that intake of 1 egg a day was sufficient to improve HDL function and large–LDL particle (which does not cause blockages in the arteries) concentration. However, intake of 2–3 eggs/day supported greater improvements in HDL function, as well as increased plasma carotenoids. Overall, intake of ≤3 eggs/day favored a less atherogenic (artery blocking) LDL particle profile, enhanced HDL function, and augmented plasma antioxidants in young, healthy adults. [1]

Eggs also contain nutrients that may help lower the risk for heart disease, including high quality protein, heme, vitamins A, B12 , D and E, riboflavin, and folate.

Carotenoids, like lutein and zeaxanthin, that are found mostly in yolks, can protect against vision loss.

Eggs are also high in sulfur, an essential nutrient that helps with everything from vitamin B absorption to liver function. Sulfur is also necessary for the production of collagen and keratin, which help create and maintain shiny hair, strong nails and glowing skin.

Eggs are rich in choline, that breaks down into bethane, which is used during the methylation cycle, which in turn helps produce ‘happiness’ hormones like serotonin, dopamine, norephinephrine and improve memory.

One egg has approximately the same protein content as 30 grams cooked meat, fish or poultry. And apart from being the most versatile and best source of protein in our diet, it is also the least expensive. The quality of egg protein is considered to be a gold standard, as they have all the essential amino acids, that are not synthesized in our body, and are imperative to our body function. [2]

For more tips on healthy eating and other lifestyle modifications to improve your health, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Koganski at 215-750-7000 or


[1] DiMarco D, et all. Intake of up to 3 Eggs per Day Is Associated with Changes in HDL Function and Increased Plasma Antioxidants in Healthy, Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, 02/03/2017.

[2] Layman, D , et all Egg Protein as a Source of Power, Strength, and Energy. Nutrition Today: January/February 2009 – Volume 44 – Issue 1 – pp 43-48.





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