Medical News

Mask and PPEs

COVID-19: Do Gloves and Masks Help?

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We are all trying to protect ourselves from the novel Coronavirus. To improve your chances of remaining healthy, you need to practice an immune-boosting lifestyle by eating healthy, exercising regularly and managing stress. I’ve discussed these topics in recent blogs. It is also very important is to limit exposure to COVID-19 by practicing social distancing […]

COVID-19: Do Gloves and Masks Help?

Quarantine - Covid19

How to Survive the Quarantine

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With the whole country shutdown and the majority of the population quarantined at home, we need to find ways to stay healthy physically and mentally. Our favorite restaurants are closed, no access to parks or gyms, limited interaction with your friends and family, confinement in the house 24/7, overwhelming news on TV – all of

How to Survive the Quarantine

Medical News Update For June 2017

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Let’s review how the environment affects us: We are all surrounded by products that contain phthalates, including perfume, hairspray, soap, shampoo, nail polish, and skin moisturizers. They are used in consumer products such as flexible plastic and vinyl toys, shower curtains, wallpaper, vinyl floors and blinds, food packaging, and plastic wrap. Recently published data shows

Medical News Update For June 2017

Medical News Update For 05/2017

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In case you’ve missed the latest news – higher consumption of artificially sweetened drinks is associated with increased risk of stroke and dementia. In the Framingham Heart study of more than 4000 participants, those who drank at least one artificially-sweetened beverage per day were nearly 3 times more likely to develop a stroke and 2.9

Medical News Update For 05/2017

Medical News Update 04/17

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After speaking with some of my patients, I’ve decided to write short updates on the latest medical articles, summarizing the benefits of healthy lifestyle and diet on our wellbeing and longevity. Recently published data on nut consumption Researchers observed that in comparison with a control diet, the incorporation of cashews into typical American diets decreases

Medical News Update 04/17