Eat for Health

Thanksgiving dinner image

Navigating Holiday Eating

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We make over 200 food decisions daily. No one wants to feel consumed by the thoughts surrounding food choices, especially when you can be enjoying quality time with friends and family instead. ย Holiday season can bring a special type of stress around navigating eating and staying on track with your health goals. Instead of over-thinking […]

Navigating Holiday Eating

immune boosting meals

Simple, Immune Boosting Meals

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Simple, Immune Boosting Meals Although we cannot always control if a virus enters our body, we can help support our immune system to better fight off what we encounter. Healthy nutrition is important to keep the body balanced and functioning at its best. Vitamin C: Important for our immune defense and oxidative stress. An insufficient

Simple, Immune Boosting Meals

Quarantine - Covid19

How to Survive the Quarantine

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With the whole country shutdown and the majority of the population quarantined at home, we need to find ways to stay healthy physically and mentally. Our favorite restaurants are closed, no access to parks or gyms, limited interaction with your friends and family, confinement in the house 24/7, overwhelming news on TV – all of

How to Survive the Quarantine

Coronavirus Cell- Covid19

COVID-19: Immune System Support

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by Val Koganski, MD I am sure you’ve been overwhelmed with information on Coronavirus and COVID-19. This is a new virus that belongs to the family of “cold” viruses. We’ve been exposed to them yearly for many generations and usually have been able to handle it without major complications. So why are we having such

COVID-19: Immune System Support