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The Benefits Of Legumes

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Legume is basically a family of vegetables or plants that feature a pod with seeds inside it. There are many types: adzuki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, broad beans (fava beans), calico beans, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans (also called chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, mung beans, navy beans, peanuts, peas, pinto beans, soybeans (also […]

The Benefits Of Legumes


Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables

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We all know, or at least have heard, that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to our health, and these nutrients can prevent and even treat multiple ailments. What fruits and vegetables do I have to eat to get the most benefit? I am sure this question has crossed your mind on several occasions.

Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables

The Incredible Edible Egg! Are Eggs Good Or Bad For You?

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I am sure it is still fresh in everybody’s memory: “Eggs raise your cholesterol and cause heart attacks and strokes. Or if you eat them, you should avoid the yolk, or eat only egg beaters.” This has long been embedded in our minds, reinforced by warnings from multiple well-meaning doctors and scientists, and other “health

The Incredible Edible Egg! Are Eggs Good Or Bad For You? Read More ยป

Nutritional Worksheet

Nordic Diet As An Alternative Healthy Diet

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Most of us have heard of the Mediterranean diet, and probably have tried it. But what about for people who don’t like it or are not used to eating southern food, and prefer to try cuisine from the other regions of the world? There is recently published data on the Nordic Diet, a fairly simple

Nordic Diet As An Alternative Healthy Diet

Family smiling

One Tomato A Day Keeps A Doctor Away.

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Yes, it’s not a mistake. I am writing about tomatoes, one of the most popular nutrient-rich foods on the planet. Almost all of us have had problems with the correct definition: is it a fruit or a vegetable? Actually it is a fruit that has been popular since Spanish explorers discovered the ancient Aztec civilizations.

One Tomato A Day Keeps A Doctor Away. Read More ยป

Discussing with doctor

Updates On The Fiber

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We know about the multiple benefits of the fiber in our diet from weight management to heart disease. Dietary fiber comes from plants. It is the portion of a plant that is not digested by our enzymes present in the digestive tract but that may be digested by the microorganisms that inhabit the intestines. The

Updates On The Fiber