
Danger Of The Purple Pill (Update)

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Not a week goes by without hearing the latest bad news about Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). When they were introduced in the 80s to treat stomach ulcers, people felt they were god send, relief was finally here: ulcers were healing fast, and we could eat everything without any sense of guilt, and no heartburn! But […]

Danger Of The Purple Pill (Update)

Nightshade Veggies – Are They Good Or Bad For You?

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You’ve probably have heard the term “nightshade” vegetables. Some people think they are life saving plants, others consider them poisonous. Nightshades belong to a scientific family of plants called Solanaceae, which include several thousand species of flowering plants, and most of these plants are not edible as food. However, there are a good number of

Nightshade Veggies – Are They Good Or Bad For You? Read More ยป

Medical News Update For 05/2017

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In case you’ve missed the latest news – higher consumption of artificially sweetened drinks is associated with increased risk of stroke and dementia. In the Framingham Heart study of more than 4000 participants, those who drank at least one artificially-sweetened beverage per day were nearly 3 times more likely to develop a stroke and 2.9

Medical News Update For 05/2017

Are You Concerned About Memory Lapses? Is Memory Decline Inevitable With Age?

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It has been estimated in 2013 that 44 million people live with dementia worldwide. With an aging population, an estimated 7.7 million new cases are diagnosed per year. At this rate, the number of people living with dementia will double every 20 years and will reach 135 million by 2050. [1] Currently there is still

Are You Concerned About Memory Lapses? Is Memory Decline Inevitable With Age? Read More ยป

Hiking near lake

The Benefits Of Legumes

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Legume is basically a family of vegetables or plants that feature a pod with seeds inside it. There are many types: adzuki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, broad beans (fava beans), calico beans, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans (also called chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, mung beans, navy beans, peanuts, peas, pinto beans, soybeans (also

The Benefits Of Legumes

Medical News Update 04/17

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After speaking with some of my patients, I’ve decided to write short updates on the latest medical articles, summarizing the benefits of healthy lifestyle and diet on our wellbeing and longevity. Recently published data on nut consumption Researchers observed that in comparison with a control diet, the incorporation of cashews into typical American diets decreases

Medical News Update 04/17


Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables

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We all know, or at least have heard, that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to our health, and these nutrients can prevent and even treat multiple ailments. What fruits and vegetables do I have to eat to get the most benefit? I am sure this question has crossed your mind on several occasions.

Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables

Medical News Update For 05/2017

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In case you’ve missed the latest news – higher consumption of artificially sweetened drinks is associated with increased risk of stroke and dementia. In the Framingham Heart study of more than 4000 participants, those who drank at least one artificially-sweetened beverage per day were nearly 3 times more likely to develop a stroke and 2.9

Medical News Update For 05/2017

The Incredible Edible Egg! Are Eggs Good Or Bad For You?

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I am sure it is still fresh in everybody’s memory: “Eggs raise your cholesterol and cause heart attacks and strokes. Or if you eat them, you should avoid the yolk, or eat only egg beaters.” This has long been embedded in our minds, reinforced by warnings from multiple well-meaning doctors and scientists, and other “health

The Incredible Edible Egg! Are Eggs Good Or Bad For You? Read More ยป

Can Stress Contribute To Cancer Risk And Progression?

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There is more and more data that points to a prominent role of chronic stress in cancer growth and spread. The influence of psycho-social factors on the development and progression of cancer has been a longstanding hypothesis. In fact, epidemiological and clinical studies over the past 30 years have provided strong evidence for links between

Can Stress Contribute To Cancer Risk And Progression? Read More ยป