
Advil: A Lifesaving Drug Or A Dangerous Substance?

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I’m sure you’ve seen multiple commercials on TV that proclaim: “What sinus headache? Stiff joints? Tough cramps? Nighttime pain? Make all your pains a distant memory with Advilยฎ, the worldโ€™s #1 choice. Nothing is proven stronger or longer lasting.” [1] Let’s review the latest data on Advil, also known as Ibuprofen, and all other non-steroidal […]

Advil: A Lifesaving Drug Or A Dangerous Substance? Read More ยป

Say Cheeese!

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Cheese! Tastes great. Smells good. Could be eaten alone or as a snack or an appetizer. Can be added to sauces, soups, pastries, and many other dishes. There are thousands of varieties of cheese, ranging from mild to mature in flavor, and low-to-high in fat composition. It can be made from the milk of cows,

Say Cheeese!

Flu Season Is Here! But the Flu Shot is only 10% Effective. What Can You Do?

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You’ve probably seen the headlines: “After a slow start in October, flu season in the United States is gaining speed, particularly in the South. Flu activity, which has been increasing since the start of November, is now higher than usual for this time of year.” [1] As of December 5th, flu has been widespread in

Flu Season Is Here! But the Flu Shot is only 10% Effective. What Can You Do? Read More ยป

Benefits Of High Intensity Exercise

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I’m sure you’ve heard multiple recommendations on what type of exercise provides more health benefits. Recently published data showed that moderate-to-vigorous physical activity resulted in: improved insulin resistance greater weight loss smaller waist circumference better fasting insulin lower 2-hour glucose decrease in triglycerides improvement in C-reactive protein (CRP), which serves as a cardiovascular risk factor

Benefits Of High Intensity Exercise

Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally

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You just went to see your doctor and were told that “you have high blood pressure or hypertension”. You have joined almost 30% of American adults with this diagnosis. High blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually

Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally

Your Mom Was Right: Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal Of The Day

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Skipping breakfast is associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, or the hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to a build-up of plaque, according to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. [1] Eating a healthy breakfast has been shown to promote greater heart health, including healthier weight and cholesterol.

Your Mom Was Right: Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal Of The Day Read More ยป

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

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Recently I’ve been asked by my patients about coconut oil. Is it beneficial to our health or detrimental, because it is a saturated fat? First, FAT has been redeemed recently in the largest epidemiological PURE study. It was an 18-country study that followed 135,335 individuals for 7 years to examine associations between diet and total

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

The Benefits Of Meditation

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According to a new scientific statement from the American Heart association, meditation has the potential to reduce some risk factors for heart disease, but the gold standard for lowering risk remains a heart-healthy lifestyle and following medical recommendations. Studies have shown that meditation can have long-term effects on the brain and how it works. Numerous

The Benefits Of Meditation

Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ 10)

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I am sure you’ve heard CoQ10 mentioned in conversations and online, especially if you are taking statins to lower your cholesterol. So what is it? CoQ10, is an enzyme and antioxidant found in cells of animals, plants, and bacteria that supports cellular function. CoQ10 is utilized in many different ways, particularly in that it helps

Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ 10)

Medical News Update For June 2017

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Let’s review how the environment affects us: We are all surrounded by products that contain phthalates, including perfume, hairspray, soap, shampoo, nail polish, and skin moisturizers. They are used in consumer products such as flexible plastic and vinyl toys, shower curtains, wallpaper, vinyl floors and blinds, food packaging, and plastic wrap. Recently published data shows

Medical News Update For June 2017